The New Beginning

First of all, I'd like to thank God for everything.. for His bless allowing me to start new journey in my life..

Today, finally, I get the 2 jobs.. Now I have to think over about which one I should take.. Many things to be considered so I won't regret my decision.. hmm..

Huge huge thanks for my God.. for my parents, my big love who don't want to be called "PoHH", my friends who always support me..  thanks for being my "pom-pom" when I was down.. i love u all..

 I know, I do know that this is the new beginning of the next stage of my life.. so God, please don't be bored to bless me.. I want to do and give my best for all of my beloved ones.. :)

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it's my suMMeR bReeZe.. :)

my dearest diary in which I can write to express the way I feel deepest inside.. it may reply with silence but it surely listens the best.. :)

kindly listen.. :)

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